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Why not wear your boots and if your dog enjoys being able to run around outside
more, and away from the busy roads?8. Children love playing in their wellies, so if
you've got children, why not make sure they have a pair for walking to school
on wet days, and for jumping in puddles at the weekend. Wellies are the ideal
footwear so that you don't ruin a pair of shoes, and will also be safe
enough for using in the garden.2. If you haven't got a pair yet, what are
you waiting for?Discover a range of Wellingtons and everything else you need for the great
outdoors and the British Weather, at JohnNorris.co.uk today. Perhaps you enjoy other outdoor activities, such
as hunting, or just generally enjoy spending time in the county. Farmers are well known
for wearing wellies, and if they're good enough for a life working on a farm,
then they must be Nike Requin pretty durable and versatile.4. Instead of getting your shoes or trainers
dirty at the side of the muddy pitch, why not wear your boots instead?7. You
might be an architect looking at a building project, working on the high seas, a
vet dealing with injured farm animals, or perhaps you work in forestry or a park.
Perhaps you don't like waders, or are new to fishing, and are still deciding whether
waders are for you. If you haven't got a pair of wellies yet, then here's
why you need to buy a pair.1. If you're a keen gardener, then you'll probably
be spending a lot of time in the mud, and planting seeds, and mowing the
lawn, as well as digging up old plants or trees, and taking your garden waste
to the tip. If you spend any time at all outside, then you probably already
have a pair of wellies, so that you're Tn Requin prepared whatever the weather. You won't want
to walk down slippy banks with all your fishing tackle and fall over.9. Also, you
might even want to play out in the snow and build a snowman with our
without your children!6. Sometimes it's the simple things that children enjoy the most!5. If you
work outside then you might need to wear wellies. You might not feel that you
look cool, but as soon as you get to the muddy bit, people are sure
to be jealous of your dry feet!3. You might go to lots of sporting events,
or watch your children play sport. Why risk falling over, and ruining your clothes and
trainers when you can just wear a pair of wellies. How would having a pair
of wellies make your job easier?No matter what you do, where you live, or what
you enjoy doing, there's always room for a pair of wellies. If you go fishing,
then you'll know just how important your wellies are. Festival goers love their wellies, and
even at the height of summer, on the driest days, festival venues can soon turn
into a mudbath, which can make walking around treacherous. In winter it's advisable to have
a pair of wellies in the car, so that if you get stranded because of
the weather, you can still walk home. You might need your boots to be quick
drying, or be extra warm, so that you can spend even more time away from
the town.10. Walking the dog might be a quick stroll around the neighbourhood, or it
might involve a day out in the countryside. No matter whether you want a Tweed
Jacket or a pair of gloves or socks to keep your hands and feet warm,
you'll find just what you're looking for, for a day's fishing or to enjoy the
countryside at John Norris..
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